Tsukiji is coming to USA.

US Sakasyu

US Sakasyu is the branch of Tsukiji Sakasyu in Tokyo JAPAN.
US Sakasyu has been delivering fresh fish to many restaurants in Sanfrancisco by "Tsukiji direct"
which is Door to door delivery from the Tsukiji fish market in Tokyo Japan.

about more

Customers order by e-mail or
"Whats App" to Tsukiji Sakasyu directly.

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Tsukiji Sakasyu click

Our professional buyer select best fish of the day in the Tsukiji market.

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Packing and Shipping

We are packing carefully selected even small fishes one by one.

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Airport in Japan

An airplane carrying fish fly towards America in the morning of that day.

Flight to
the USA

Arrive in USA.

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Airport refrigerator storage

When fishes arrive in the USA these will be kept in the refrigerator at the airport.

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Pickup from airport

Fishes arrived at distributors in the cooperation refrigerator will deliver to the customer speedy.

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The fresh fish box will be delivered to the customer never opening once after leaving Tsukiji.

Products are offered
to consumers.
